Healthy Cookware 101


Healthy Cookware 101: Is Non-Stick Cookware Safe?

I found this article on non-stick cookware and I thought I would share it. It goes into detail on the evolution of non-stick cookware and how now experts are sounding alarms about the potential health risks of cooking with non-stick metal cookware.

Here is a brief section of the article talking about the various cookware options for consumers;

WORST COOKWARE OPTIONS: Highly reactive materials like synthetic non-stick, aluminum and copper

Non-stick cookware The coating used on synthetic non-stick cookware (even the newer types marketed as “greener” or “healthier”) contains plastic polymers, which when heated, emit noxious fumes that contain chemicals that have been proven to be carcinogenic in humans. I urge you to avoid non-stick pans and utensils at all costs.

Aluminum: Studies have linked aluminum exposure to Alzheimer’s and other cognitive problems. Most experts advise avoiding aluminum cookware, including the newer anondized aluminum cookware, as well as aluminum foil completely.

Copper: Copper cookware has a coating that is supposed to prevent copper from coming into contact with food. However, this coating can wear away over time, allowing the copper itself to come into direct contact with food, which can lead to copper toxicity.

If you still have non-stick cookware in your home, I think it’s a good idea to think about investing in healthier alternatives. There are affordable healthy cookware options out there, and considering that it’s something you probably use almost daily, and that it lasts for years, you can’t really go wrong.

Please visit the link below to read the rest of this article and to find out what the healthiest cookware options are for you and your family….

The article was posted by John Corn, Founder of

I hope you enjoy this very informative article on healthy cookware!!

Have an Xtrema Day,

Patrick Bergstrom

about the author

Erik Bergstrom

Erik Bergstrom

Erik Bergstrom is the Digital Media Manager at Xtrema Cookware, and he oversees the online presence of the company! Erik has personally seen family members struggle with chronic illness, and it fuels his passion for helping others understand the importance and value of cooking clean. Erik enjoys cooking, educating, and creating healthy meals for his friends and family. He is always seeking out new information from wellness professionals to grow his knowledge of what toxins do to the human body and the value of cooking without them!

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